
The field of conservation aims to preserve items and collections of significant cultural, aesthetic, historic and scientific value for the benefit of present and future generations. A conservator works to safeguard our tangible cultural heritage, with training, skills and specialized knowledge on materials and their chemical and physical deterioration phenomenas. Our field of work embraces preventive conservation, remedial conservation and restoration – terms that were defined by the ICOM-CC in 2008.

As an object conservator, I’m trained in a variety of both organic and inorganic materials. Through my education and working career I have acquired experience with treating objects made of textiles, leather, wood, ivory, horn, laquerware, gilded materials, metals, ceramics, stones, concrete and plaster. I have broad experience in treating sculptures, art in public spaces and art in architecture, including mural paintings and mosaics. In my conservation practice, I comply with the professional guidelines for conservators developed by E.C.C.O – the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations.

Below are links to pages where you can read more about a selection of projects that I have worked on, sorted by material.

«The objects, buildings and environments to which society attributes particular aesthetic, artistic, documentary, environmental, historic, scientific, social, or spiritual values are commonly designated «Cultural Heritage» and constitute a material and cultural patrimony to be passed on to coming generations.»

E.C.C.O. Professional Guidelines